We have a range of education and training opportunities provided by a pool of volunteers. This includes the Modular Training Scheme, Worship Studies Course, Hucklow Summer School, REvolution RE training. There is also support to implement the GA's Safeguarding policy Safe and Sound. All training is provided based on need and level of interest, so if you would like to take part in any of the initiatives below, please contact LLSG to express your interest.
Modular Training Scheme
The Modular Training Scheme, organised by the Training Action Group, gathers leadership training in one place. Whether you hold an official role in your congregation, run discussion/children’s groups or simply want to learn more about Unitarianism, there’s a course for you.
Worship Studies Course
These study courses are well–established with many Unitarians receiving training to help develop their skills in leading services and enabling them to have informed discussions on Unitarian principles. There are several levels through which to progress. The Worship Studies Course (WSC) prepares students for conducting worship and lay preaching. It can be a intermediate course for Lay Pastor or Ministerial training. The Unitarian Studies Course (USC) gives students increasing personal knowledge and understanding of the Unitarian and Free Christian movement.
Hucklow Summer School
Hucklow Summer School is an intensive religious education week held at the Nightingale Centre each August. Summer School aims to offer a balanced programme of activities for both the heart and head – engagement groups (for deep spiritual exploration and personal sharing) and daily talks to offer a variety of perspectives on an overarching theme. Participants will be inspired and challenged. There are also plenty of opportunities for worship, fellowship, and fun.
This course consists of two residential weekends at the Nightingale Centre, Great Hucklow, Derbyshire. First weekend 1st to 3rd September 2017 and Second weekend 1st to 3rd June 2018. There will be four assignments to complete between the two weekends.
Leaders: Rev John Harley and Liz Hills. The objectives of the LEAP Course is to train people to be spiritual pioneers and facilitators in leading Unitarian groups of all ages. To give trainees the skills to lead intergenerational groups, children and adults in a variety of contexts - including Sunday school groups, worship and mid-week adult religious education courses. LEAP will give participants a grounding in facilitation and leadership skills that can be used in the Unitarian movement with a wide variety of groups. Many REvolution graduates have gone on to serve the Unitarian community in setting up groups. The course provides a tool kit for trainees that will serve them in creating initiatives for groups of all ages.
For further information contact Margaret Robinson (LEAP Administrator), by email at unitarianllsg@gmail.com or phone 01642 782 219 or see the attached booking form.
Safeguarding policy and training
All congregations have responsibilities under Safeguarding legislation for the protection of children and vulnerable adults regardless of whether there are children or vulnerable adults in the congregation. It is essential that your congregation identifies a Safeguarding Officer who is properly trained and responsible for safeguarding issues. To find out the training options available, contact Gavin Howell. The GA’s Safeguarding Policy is now complete and available for all.
Adult RE Courses
There are six adult RE courses which are available as inexpensive printed copies.
- British Unitarian Journey: An adult educational programme in eight sessions, exploring the evolution of the British Unitarian tradition.
- Building Your Own Theology – British version: A programme designed to help individuals understand, develop and articulate their values and belief systems. Based on Richard S. Gilberts version in the USA. Produced by members of the Unitarian Renewal Group.
- Home and Away: An adult educational programme in six sessions exploring the spirituality of place and pilgrimage, home and travel, roots and wings.
- Spirituality in Everyday Life: An adult educational programme in six sessions, it explores the way in which our everyday life enriches our spiritual search.
- Spiritual Parenting: An adult educational programme in four sessions, it provides an opportunity for parents and other carers to share their experience of parenting in the broadest sense, and to develop an understanding of the spiritual development of children.
- Celebrating Diversity: A resource pack for Unitarian and Free Christian leaders on sexual orientation and other equality issues, produced by members of the Sexual Orientation Equality Group. (GA, 2003). Includes: training resources, readings, personal testimonies and background information.
You can order copies of educational publications by calling 020 7240 2384. Further details are available here.