
Unitarians have wide interests – spiritual, communal, charitable etc - and come together in a range of societies and groups. All operate on democratic principles and depend upon the involvement of individuals. Some are inward looking and others serve the wider community. Some are formally affiliated to the General Assembly and therefore participate in its governance; others are free-standing and may include others who are not Unitarians. If you are interested in exploring the various societies these are listed below, with links to websites.

The following is a list of Unitarian societies. The list includes societies formally affiliated to the General Assembly and other groups (non-affiliated groups are marked '*'). Many are listed at:

National Unitarian Fellowship (NUF)
Founded in 1945, the NUF aims to meet the needs of Unitarians and others who value a free and positive approach to religion, whether they attend a church or not. The NUF communicates by post and internet.

Contact: Nick Saunders
Tel: (01548) 580 301
Unitarian Renewal Group (URG)*

The fellowship aims to promote an inclusive view of Unitarianism based on liberal religious principles. Organises an annual day conference.

Unitarian Association for Lay Ministry (UALM)

The association supports lay ministry in all its Forms and specifically:

  •     all those involved in delivering worship in Unitarian churches and chapels.
  •     all those involved in lay leadership of a Unitarian congregation, whatever form this might take.
  •     shares best practice in Unitarian worship and lay ministry.

Secretary: Sheena McKinnon
Tel: 01604 870 746

UKUnitarian TV*

An independent internet TV channel to promote Unitarianism here in the UK.

Contact: Louise Rogers

Unitarian Christian Association (UCA)

Aims to preserve and strengthen the Christian tradition within the Unitarian movement. Activities: quarterly magazine, periodic conferences and retreats. The "Unitarian Christian Herald" is published quarterly.

Secretary: Rev Jeff Gould
Tel: (01625) 403 509

Unitarian Earth Spirit Network (UESN) *

A Unitarian Network of friends and fellow seekers who are linked through a collaborative File (a selection of loose-leaf pages within a cover), which comes out four times a year, coinciding with the seasons. Through sharing our insights and beliefs we aim to restore, inspire and encourage one another by:

  •     Revering the totality of the divine reality of nature being revealed to us through diverse forms.
  •     Evolving creative ways to worship for body, mind and spirit.
  •     Affirming a pagan spiritual perspective as being fully compatible with our quest for self-knowledge and ultimate meaning.
  •     Encouraging practical action on social issues related to a nature-centred faith / philosophy.

UESN organises annual weekend conferences and we meet together at General Assembly meetings.

Contacts: Rev Tony McNeile

The Meditational Fellowship (TMF) *  

Aims to promote the practice of meditation as an individual discipline, emphasising the relevance of meditation to daily living, and its value as a practice promoting personal growth and social harmony. Holds three residential weekends a year.

Contact: Richard Bober

Findhorn Unitarian Network

The Findhorn Unitarian Network (FUN) is an affiliated Unitarian Society which organises a programme of activities that offer ways for UK Unitarians to engage with the Findhorn Foundation community, or provides ways for Unitarians to draw inspiration from the community. You can find a list of their activities here, info about Transformation Game opportunities, info about the 2020 Experience Week and an Expression of Interest form.

Contact: Val Chamberlain (secretary)


FOY Society (FOY)

A fellowship of men and women who in a spirit of free enquiry seek to understand the nature of present issues and problems - political, religious or social. FOY organises an annual conference and produces a newsletter.

Secretary: Richard Varley
Membership Secretary: Hazel Warhurst
Tel: 01604 587 860 or 01609 882442
Email: or

Unitarian and Free Christian Peace Fellowship (UPF)

The Unitarian Peace Fellowship was founded in 1916 in the darkest days of the First World War to witness for peace and against the futility of war. Today they maintain that witness. The vision of the Fellowship includes the ethos and values of the Charter for Compassion. The surest route to peace is through the compassion of human beings for each other and for all living things. The UPF supports and encourages Unitarians in their witness for Peace and Compassion locally, nationally, and internationally.
They also sponsor an Annual Appeal on behalf of peace-related projects, and organise Peace Vespers at the General Assembly Meetings, and an Annual Gathering in the Autumn.

Contact: Rev Sue Woolley
Tel: 01604 870746

Unitarian Society for Psychical Studies (USPS)

The objects of the Society are to promote the study of psychical phenomena with a critical and open mind and to publish the results of such study. It is open to anyone in sympathy with these objects, whether Unitarian or non-Unitarian.

Secretary: David Taylor
Tel: 0121 550 8874


Provincial Assembly of Presbyterian and Unitarian Ministers and Congregations of Lancashire and Cheshire (Provincial Assembly)

The Provincial Assembly exists to facilitate the meeting of Unitarians and Free Christians in the North West across District Association boundaries. The main purpose of the gatherings is to share spiritual and social refreshment and to enjoy a free and frank exchange of views on broad issues of religious and social concern in keeping with the Unitarian tradition. To that end the Provincial Assembly organises seminars and study courses and also occasionally produces publications.

Contact: Rev Lynne Readett

Tel: 01942 893 965

International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF): British Chapter *

Contact: Mr Pejman Kohojasteh

British League of Unitarian and Liberal Christian Women
(The Women's League)
The Women's League exists to provide fellowship and support among its members at local, district and national level; to play a positive part in General Assembly affairs; to maintain links with liberal religious women at home and abroad and to engage abroad and to engage in charitable giving to causes within and beyond the Unitarian Movement.

Contact: Joan MacFarlane

Tel: 0161 460 5192

Unitarian Women's Group (UWG)

The Unitarian Women's Group aims to help empower women in their areas of concern within the Unitarian movement and the world at large.

Contact: Christine Martin
Tel: 01483 423 577

Unitarian Music Society (UMS)

Contact: Adrienne Wilson
Tel: 01904 765 424

British & Irish Unitarian Young Adult Network (BUYAN) *

This is a network of Unitarian young adults aged 18 to 35 who aim to create community through a variety of spiritual and social activities. BUYAN members meet at various places several times a year and options for Residential activities in future are being considered. At events we undertaken a range of workshops and activities. Recent examples have include tie dye, circus skills, poetry writing and spiritual activities on themes such as compassion.

Please drop us an email on, join our Facebook group "BUYAN (Unitarians 18-35)", find us on Twitter @youngunitarians and join our forum at

Details of future events will be given in Unitarian publications, the website and disseminated to districts.

International Religious Fellowship (IRF) *

Aimed at the 16-30 age group, IRF promotes contact and understanding between young people of different nations and cultures, and seek to encourage the application of liberal religious principles. Holds an annual European conference.

Contact: Allan Warhurst

Unitarian Historical Society (UHS)

Contact: Rev Dr David Steers
Tel: 028 9094 7850

The Martineau Society *

Contact: Mr Alan Middleton