Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches


1. Introduction

The General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches (GAUFCC) (Registered Charity No. 250788) will seek to protect and respect the privacy of all those with whom we have contact reflecting our commitment to the “worth and dignity of all people”.

In this policy we set out the data we collect, how we use and process that information, and how you may contact us. Where we employ partner organisations and institutions in this process we ensure that they provide a level of service and protection in accordance with UK data protection laws.

The GAUFCC is the “data controller” for the purposes of this policy and the policy extends to its staff, trustees, volunteers and anyone else processing data on our behalf from time to time. Any personal data collected by the GAUFCC will only be processed in accordance with this privacy policy. Any queries regarding this policy should be addressed to and will be dealt with by the most appropriate person.

This policy will be kept under review and updated versions will be published on the GAUFCC website with the date of publication.


2. How the law protects you

Data Protection laws say we are only allowed to use personal data if we have a proper reason to do so. The GAUFCC is primarily a membership organisation comprising organisational and individual members for whom we provide services. We therefore process data on the basis that:

  • We have a legitimate interest in doing so in the fulfilment of our charitable objectives, and/or,
  • We have express and informed consent from the person whose data is being processed, and/or,
  • It is necessary in relation to a contract or agreement which the person has entered into or because the person has asked for something to be done so that they can enter into a contract or agreement, and/or,
  • There is a legal obligation on the GAUFCC to process the data, and/or
  • As a not-for-profit, religious body we may undertake processing of data when it relates to members, former members (or those who have regular contact with us) in connection with those membership purposes and where there will be no disclosure to third parties; in particular relating to religious affiliation.
  • Where we have relied solely on consent as the basis for processing data you may modify or withdraw this consent at any time by notifying us in writing, although this may affect the extent to which we are able to provide services or interact with you in future.


3. What data do we collect?

We collect data that is necessary for the GAUFCC to pursue its charitable objectives and to meet our legal obligations. Activities currently used to achieve these objectives are described in the Annual Report, however, these may change over time. Data collected includes that of officers of member congregations and other bodies as well as of individuals. Data collected and processed may include, but not be limited to:

  • Names, role and contact information such as telephone numbers, email and postal addresses
  • Financial information including gift aid, bank account details. We do not retain credit card details after any transaction has been completed.
  • Records relating to those seeking admission to and undertaking training for the ministry and subsequently admitted to the Rolls maintained by the GAUFCC
  • Human resources information
  • Photographic images and video footage
  • Any other information that is relevant and necessary for the GAUFCC to carry out its activities, charitable purposes and legal obligations.


4. What do we do with the data we process?

We use the data collected to maintain accurate records of those with whom we work to facilitate our activities in accordance with our charitable objects. Data may be processed and viewed by staff, trustees and volunteers in the course of GAUFCC’s activities but only in accordance with this policy and a “need to know”. Data will only be retained as long as is reasonable and permissible in law and in line with our records retention schedule. We may keep your data if this is necessary for statistical and historical research purposes but we will ensure that all personally identifiable information is removed where technically feasible and in any case we will have measures to ensure its security is protected.

The General Assembly works closely with the British and Foreign Unitarian Association Incorporated and the Essex Hall Trust and will ensure that any data that is shared with these bodies is done so in accordance with this policy. We may share data with affiliated bodies of the GAUFCC but only when we are satisfied that any use of such data will accord with our privacy policy. We will not sell or share your personal information with other bodies.

The historic archives of the GAUFCC are deposited at Dr Williams’s Library, 14 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0AR and are managed in accordance with legal obligations and good practice in records management.


5. Your rights in relation to your personal data

You may request details of personal information which we hold about you. Any such request must be made in writing.

You may choose to restrict the collection or use of your personal information, but this may inhibit or limit the way in which GAUFCC is able to serve you. You may at any time change your mind about what information we hold about you subject to any legal obligation to retain data.

You are responsible for the accuracy of data that you have provided to GAUFCC. If you believe that any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to us. We will correct any information found to be incorrect.

You may obtain further information about Data Protection by contacting the Information Commissioner

If you wish to raise a complaint on how we have handled your personal data you can contact us to have the matter investigated. If you are not satisfied with our response you may complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.


6. How we protect your personal information

We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. We take appropriate measures to ensure that the information disclosed to us is kept secure, for example, by having physical, electronic and managerial procedures. We work with external contractors who comply with the UK’s Data Protection legislation.

The transmission of information over the internet is not always secure and we cannot therefore guarantee the security of data is these circumstances.


7. Cookies

See our section on cookies.


Policy published 25 May 2018