Web Support

Most Unitarian churches and chapels have a functioning website. UK Unitarians is a small volunteer group available to advise congregations if your website needs to be updated. For more information about this service, please email us. Updating your website will help persuade potential visitors that we are worth investigating.

Below are comments from some of the congregations that use the current web design facility.

'We all now know that having a good and up-to-date website is essential for a Unitarian congregation that wants to grow. In the past getting a website was full of imponderables and technical jargon. Now it is different and it's easy. The experience of Bradford Unitarians was very positive - even exciting. Of course you have to do some work - know what you want to say about your worship services and other activities and have a few digital photographs of the inside and outside of your building. But, the actual technical side - getting this information into a dedicated website - is simplicity itself. And there is lots of support if you need it. There is now absolutely no excuse now for not having a website.'

'I will say it was very easy to set up, looks very stylish, attractive and will be easy to update.'

'The website that your team helped to produce is excellent. It was designed for me in a weekend. We are now starting to get enquiries about our chapel from all over the country.'

'I have been delighted with the ease of creating a website for Highland Place Church at Aberdare. Having created websites by a number of other methods, this system could not be bettered. If your congregation needs a website - This facility could be renamed 'Websites for Dummies'?'

'As a congregation that has had its own website for the last four years we thought it would also be of benefit to have coverage on an official basis. As this is where any potential new member would initially look for information. The UkUnitarians system looks very professional and is easy to edit. Chris Granger from UkUnitarians is very helpful and sympathetic to the novice, he guided me through the process and answered my numerous and probably elementary questions without fuss.'

'Tenterden Old Meeting House was put on line within two hours of us sending details to the team. We are delighted with the result and have had a person come through our doors because he found our website! It is very easy to update too. The address is now in our newsletter and when we get our new noticeboard we shall print the website address on it. It would be good to put it in the local paper when we advertise our Services. We have wanted a website for a few years now but hadn't the knowhow to put it into action. We are very thankful for the DUWIT team in making this possible.'

'This continues to be a fantastic project and I guess the only change since we got up and running is that it is producing some interest from web browsers. Indeed we have a whole new (non-Unitarian but sympathetic) worship group meeting in our premises now.They actually found the downloadable leaflet most helpful but the localised site meant thay they had an accepting group/space on their doorstep without having realised we were there. Thanks again.'

'I would encourage any congregation to use this fantastic free facility. A quality internet presence plays a vital part in promoting what our Unitarian communities have to offer. I was surprised at just how easy the website content manager is to use and I've found James and his team to be very flexible in helping us develop our site. Just give it a go and I'm sure you'll be so pleased with the result!'