Lindsey Press – 10% Summer Sale

Summer is a popular time to catch-up with your reading. Lindsey Press will therefore be offering a 10% reduction on the normal prices for orders during the month of August for the following recent publications. To place an order please contact Unitarian Headquarters on 020 7240 2384 Monday to Friday between 10.00am and 5.00pm. Further information at Unitarian books page.

Carnival of Lamps: Words for Prayer and Reflection

By Cliff Reed

A collection of prayers, poems, meditations and words for reflection. The title comes from Tagore: “I have brought my light…to join the carnival of lamps”. The book is a resource for congregations, small groups, and for private reading and reflection.

Lindsey Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-85319-086-8, 157pp, Softback, £9.50

Life Spirit: for groups and individuals exploring deep questions

By David usher

What gives meaning to your life? Is there a God? Is it possible to be spiritual without any concept of God? Are there any moral absolutes? Can you be spiritual all by yourself? ...and other big questions! An opportunity for you to explore the big questions and what you believe and why. It is also about what you do with your answers and how your life can be spiritually enriched. Life Spirit is for use in groups as well as by Individuals.

Lindsey Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-85319-085-1, 129pp, Softback, £8.00

Creationism: Design Errors and Cross-Purposes

By Graham Richards

Graham Richards places the concepts of Creationism and Intelligent Design in their cultural contexts showing how they have evolved from the 17 century onwards as fundamentalist responses to rational scientific thinking, Biblical criticism, and the evolutionary account of the history of life on earth. He considers the social and psychological factors which have influenced their continuing popularity. He also considers their contemporary value to right-wing, especially American, politics. He shows understanding of the attractions of the concept while demonstrating its fallacies.

Lindsey Press, 2014, ISBN 978-0-85319-084-4, 165pp, Softback, £9.00.

Twelve Steps to Spiritual Health

By Rev David Usher

A uniquely Unitarian guide to achieving spiritual health. Spiritual health gives life meaning and purpose. It is about being open to all life’s possibilities. It is manifest in serenity in the face of hardship, and in being faithful to one's own best convictions. Drawing on both his youthful employment as a jackaroo on sheep stations in Australia, and his thirty years’ experience as a minister in the England and America, David Usher provides simple yet lively illustrations of spirit enhancing activities and perceptions.

Lindsey Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-85319-083-7, 130pp, Softback, £8.00.