Being Together: A Three Day Virtual Gathering for Spiritual Connection
7-9 April 2020
Being Together was a three-day online gathering for spiritual nourishment during a global pandemic. The UK Unitarian movement offered a space of togetherness, hope, inspiration and support during these strange and difficult times. With online talks, workshops, ritual, and sharing circles, people were able to come together in heart and mind at a time when we are isolated in body.
The Keynote Talk was be given by writer, academic and activist, Dr Alastair McIntosh.
Connect with 'Being Together' on Facebook: www.facebook.com/UnitariansUK
Videos, presentations, podcasts are other materials are available next to each item in the programme below... enjoy!
Tuesday 7th April
8-8.30am - Meditation
These are difficult, unfamiliar times where many are suffering. With mindfulness and compassion everything is workable. This meditation offers the possibility of bringing our mindful compassionate hearts into the world. Led by Richard Bober. You can watch the meditation here (part 1) and here (part 2).
9-10am - Welcome
Liz Slade's (Chief Officer, Unitarians UK) Welcome Talk, followed by ‘coffee and chat’ breakout sessions to make connections and new friends. Watch the video on YouTube here.
10-11am - Safeguarding Training
“What are the developing safeguarding trends within your congregation? During this workshop we’ll identify the issues and explore possible solutions.” Led by Gavin Howell, Youth Officer for Unitarians UK.
11am-12pm - Congregation and Culture
Dougald Hine hosted a conversation with leaders in the faith sector to explore this time when congregations can’t congregate, and global pandemic is causing a collective re-examining of how we live well. In conversation: Dougald Hine, founder of Dark Mountain and writer exploring climate change, culture-making, and the role of the arts and the sacred; Elizabeth Oldfield, Director of Theos, a think tank stimulating debate on the role of religion in society; Paul Parker, Recording Clerk of Quakers in Britain; and Liz Slade, Chief Officer of the General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches. Watch the video on YouTube here.
2-3.30pm - Seeking Paradise
Jo James interviewed Stephen Lingwood (Pioneer Minister of Cardiff Unitarians) about his new book Seeking Paradise: A Unitarian Mission for our Times. Watch the video on YouTube here.
3-4pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Mark Hutchinson.
4-5pm - Innovation In Worship
Leaders from three very different congregations shared their experience of worship gatherings beyond the traditional Sunday service. Exploring different models that are currently being explored across the country, how they were developed, and what you might wish to think about when trying a new approach in your congregation. With Torry Glinwell (The Octagon Chapel, Norwich), Jane Blackall (Kensington Unitarians), and Alexis Granum (New Unity). Chaired by Rory Castle Jones. Watch the video on YouTube here.
7-8pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Jane Blackall.
8-9pm - Being Together Social Gathering
A chance to meet and connect with fellow participants of Being Together - and to find out more about the others who are joining together in this online gathering, or reconnect with familiar faces. A fun and informal space to connect! Hosted by Christina Smith (Derby Unity) and Liz Slade (Chief Officer, Unitarians UK).
9-10pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Ned Prideaux.
Wednesday 8th April
8-9am - Meditation
O Greenest Branch - a meditation on the words and music of medieval mystic Hildegard von Bingen, led by Laura Dobson. Watch the video on YouTube here.
10-11am - Meditation
Loving Kindness Meditation. This session commenced with an attunement for all present. The meditation was led by Revd Dr Ralph Catts, following a series of guided steps offering loving kindness and health for oneself, for a loved one, and then for others, with a closing inclusive meditation. The practice focussed on the breath. Watch the video on YouTube here.
10am-2pm - Treasurers' Surgery
Join Simon Bland (Ministry & Congregational Support Officer, Unitarians UK) for advice and guidance for congregational Treasurers.
12-1pm - Using Your Privilege
This workshop will help us as individuals and as members of a faith movement to recognise and understand the privilege we have, including its historical roots, and how we might use our power in expression of our Unitarian values. Led by Judy Ryde, a psychotherapist and author of ‘White Privilege Unmasked: how to be part of the solution’. Explore the presentation here.
1-2pm - Words and Spirit
Words and spirit occupy a similar space. Neither exist, exactly, and yet both may as well be ever-present. The letters b-u-s point to a thing with wheels and an engine, a big car sort of vehicle which, before Covid, used to get our kids to school or which might we trundle onto to get across town. But of course b-u-s are just marks on the page, pixels on this screen, symbols we use out of convenience. Rather than use these symbols we might draw a picture of what we mean by bus, but that would be rather burdensome each time we need tell our kids to hurry up or ask someone than the next one is due to arrive. Yet words also allow us to grow beyond ourselves, beyond the things that exist in the world. It is easier, this is to say, to draw a picture of a bus than of, say, "love" or "feeling" or, yes, "spirit." Spirit means what? S-p-i-r-i-t points us to which sort of vehicle? What image do we conjure of this thing? Spirit does--yes?--live both outside ourselves and inside ourselves, should bind us one to all and all to each, would lift us "up." Or is that too easy? Today, as illness and fear become commonplace, as everything is unprecedented and even trusted experts can only guess, we might remember that we all know the experience of words falling short. This has been the case previously in history--a war, a tsunami, 9/11--just as it can has in our personal lives: a birth, saying "I love you" to someone, hearing them say it to you. At such times, in such moments, the spirit contracts or expands, recoils or reaches out, exposes us as little more than mammals or does the work words cannot to guide us "up." In our time together we will talk about these ideas, about words and spirit, not to be clever as linguists or to imagine we can bridge the divide between convenient and eternal but just to see if we might enjoy the working of words and spirit with new eyes and, perhaps, to consider where "up" is. Ted Munter is a writer, teacher and coach. Visit his website here. Watch the video on YouTube here.
2-3pm - Virtual Coffee Break
A virtual coffee break - a chance to socialise, chat and meet old friends and new.
3-4pm - Community Outreach
This panel discussion featured leaders from a number of Unitarian congregations, sharing their experience of connecting with other groups in their area. Hear about the practicalities of community outreach, stories of success and failure, and learn how you can develop stronger links with those outside your chapel doors. Speakers: Mike O’Sullivan from Cork, Andy Pakula from New Unity, Elizabeth Harley from Bridport, and chaired by Jo James from Mill Hill, Leeds. Watch the video on YouTube here.
3-4pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Stephanie Bisby.
4-5pm - Communication & Spirituality
What is our message as Unitarians and people of faith? How can we use websites and social media to better communicate who we are and what we believe in - and to change our world for the better? With Cheryl Glinwell (Octagon Chapel, Norwich), Stephen Lingwood (Cardiff Unitarians), Natasha Stanley (Manchester District Unitarians) and chaired by Rory Castle Jones (Communications Officer, Unitarians UK). Watch the videon on YouTube here.
5-6pm - Models of Ministry
What different models of ministry are currently being used in our congregations? What are their advantages and disadvantages? How might ministry be provided in the future? Three models of ministry are explored in this workshop, with Rev Amanda Reynolds (Kendal Unitarian Chapel), Rev Phil Waldron (Merseyside Unitarian Ministry Partnership), and Gavin Howell (The Octagon Chapel, Norwich). Chaired by Simon Bland (GA Ministry & Congregational Support Officer). Video to follow.
6.45-8.15pm - Keynote: The Revolution Will Be Spiritual
We were delighted to welcome Alastair McIntosh as Being Together’s keynote speaker, on ‘The Revolution Will Be Spiritual’. Alastair is an independent writer, broadcaster, speaker and activist who is involved in a wide range of contemporary issues, from land reform, globalization and nonviolence to psychology, spirituality and ecology. His forthcoming book ‘Riders on the Storm’ explores the science, psychology and spirituality of climate change, and of the need to build soul and meaning in these troubled times. He is a Quaker, and is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow and Glasgow University. Watch a recording of the keynote via Zoom here.
7-8pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Mark Hutchinson.
8.30-9.30 - Disco!
A bit of a 'boogie' after the Keynote Address. Come along in your PJ's, in your disco attire, however you feel! You can add your requests to the Spotify playlist here. Please add songs that you just can't help dancing to - the more embarrassing, guilty pleasure songs the better! You are very welcome to come in without your video on if you would prefer that. Hosted by Lizzie Harley.
9-10pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Ned Prideaux.
Thursday 9th April
8-9am - Everyday Movement: Qi Gong
A chance to learn some simple movements to reconnect with your body and to build a sense of stable, inner ground. Your body is your home, and a home is a place where we should feel relaxed and comfortable. Through the Daoist art of Qi Gong, Max will show you how to create the calm and quiet space we all need. Led by Max St John.
9-10am - Calming Meditation
A meditative session to calm the mind using breath awareness, voice and sound, led by Shana Begum. Video to follow.
10-11am - Family Ministry
What are the developing needs of families within your congregation? During this workshop we identified the issues and explore possible solutions. Led by Gavin Howell (Youth Officer, Unitarians UK).
12-1pm - Yad Vashem Reflections
Rob Whiteman reflects on his recent visit to Yad Vashem, the International Holocaust Memorial Centre in Jerusalem. This session was organised by the International Association for Religious Freedom (IARF). Watch the video on YouTube here.
1-2.30pm - Circles of Three: Earth Spirit Workshop
Members of the Earth Spirit Network will hosted a workshop on ‘Circles of Three’. In most faiths and spiritual groups, ‘Three’ is a special number. They explored as a basis of our spiritual relationship with the natural world and the eight festivals festivals that mark the yearly cycle. The workshop began with an introduction to the network and the wheel of the year, exploring ways to connect with nature when we are unable to be outside and ended with a meditation.
The main part of the workshop considered Spiritual Circles of Three, such as: Myself, the natural world, celebration. Myself, my group, the natural world. Myself, another, the wheel of the year. Myself, the Earth Spirit Network, my own group.
In a random circle of three Unitarians: How are we connected within the Unitarian Movement? How are we connected spiritually? How are we connected through nature and the natural world? Could we stay connected as a circle of three? How can we stay connected as a circle of three? Can we devise a link to keep us connected?
2-3pm - 'Building The Trellis' Workshop
Following on from the keynote on Wednesday evening - ‘The Revolution Will Be Spiritual’ by Alastair McIntosh - this short session serveed as an invitation to respond to the talk by bringing people together. Hosted by Shana Begum with Alastair McIntosh and Claire MacDonald.
3-4pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Stephanie Bisby.
4-5pm - Virtual Coffee Break
A virtual coffee break - a chance to socialise, chat and meet old friends and new.
5-6pm - Let's Talk Soul
Worship Service, led by Bridget Spain (Minister of Dublin Unitarians), with Mike O'Sullivan (Minister of Cork Unitarians) and music by Josh Johnston. Click here to listen to the service in full.
6-7pm - Being Together Closing Worship
Closing worship with Bob Janis-Dillon, and Kate McKenna, Anna Jarvis. Video to follow.
7-8pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Jane Blackall.
9-10pm - Heart & Soul
Heart and Soul is a contemplative form of spiritual gathering in which you can take time to reflect on life in the company of others. Led by Ned Prideaux.