Youth Programme
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Chalice Award


Chalice Award Scheme - what's that?

A dynamic scheme for young people set up in 2001 as a resource for leaders and parents in Unitarian and Free Christian congregations, fellowships and families.

How Does it work?

The Scheme is made up of a wide range of modules, for example Peace Education and Famous Unitarians. Most modules have three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold - which loosely correspond to the three main age groups: 6-9, 9-11 and 11-14 year olds respectively. Most recently a Green Level, based on seasonal activities was introduced, primarily for under 6s, but also useful where there is a small group with a wide age range.

To gain a module a child needs to explore six or more activities and a certificate is awarded when four different modules are completed. Activities involve an inspiring spectrum of challenges including art and craft, games, drama, interviewing and outdoor research. The scheme is very flexible in the ways it can be used - leaders can take any activity from any module and modify it to suit any age group or have children taking part in the same task on different levels.

For more details about the scheme please contact Essex Hall on 0207 240 2384 or Contact Us.

The main Chalice Award modules PDF, and the new modules in PDF format can be downloaded below.

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