This list represents a selection of Lindsey Press books available from Unitarian Headquarters in London. Orders from this website are available to UK customers only. International customers should refer to their Online Bookstore.
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over £50 £20.00 *
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Seeking Paradise: A Unitarian Mission for our Times
by Stephen Lingwood
What might the future of the Unitarian movement look like? That will depend, this book argues, on how we envision – and enact – its mission. Unitarians can evangelise, with a message of hope for a “beloved community” in this world: the Paradise of the title. Stephen Lingwood presents new ways of thinking about the Kingdom (or “Kindom”) of God, based on his practical experience as a Unitarian minister. Each chapter ends with questions for reflection by individual readers and discussion by small congregational groups. Stephen Lingwood is a Pioneer Minister in Cardiff and serves as the Minister of Cardiff Unitarians /Undodiaid Caerdydd.
Lindsey Press, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-85319-094-3, £10.00 (*special launch price of £8 during April 2020*)
Life's Journey
by Daniel Costley
Rites of passage provide sacred and emotional milestones on the journey of life, from birth to death, and significant points in between. Daniel Costley offers practical guidance, and sample texts, to help ministers, lay leaders, and other celebrants to create unique services for Weddings, Child Namings, Funerals, the Ordination of Ministers, the Induction of Ministers and Lay Leaders, and Congregational Membership - developing inclusive and meaningful liturgy for our times. Daniel Costley is the Minister of the Sevenoaks, Dover, and Tenterden Unitarian congregations.
Lindsey Press, 2020, ISBN: 978-0-85319-093-6, £12 (*special launch price of £10 during April 2020*)
Unitarian Women: A Legacy of Dissent
Edited by Ann Peart, with contributions by Rory Castle Jones, Andrew Hill, Derek McAuley, and Alan Ruston.
A celebration of the pioneering achievements of Unitarian women who made a difference to their world – as writers and artists, social reformers, suffrage activists, peace campaigners, educators and politicians, preachers and ministers – for 200 years from the mid-18th century. As Unitarians, they dissented from the orthodox doctrines of their time; as women, they dissented from the restricted cultural roles prescribed for them by society. They were supported by networks of friends – both women and men – and this book traces some of those interconnections across England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Revd Ann Peart is a historian and former Principal of Unitarian College Manchester.
Lindsey Press, 2019, ISBN 978-0853190929, softback, £10.
Fragments of Holiness – for Daily ReflectionEdited by Catherine Robinson.
A collection of reflective texts for every day of the year. More than half are insights offered by Unitarians, past and present, famous or unknown. The rest are insights borrowed from world faiths, humanist philosophers, writers, poets, and radical social thinkers. They could form part of a daily practice of personal reflection at the start or end of the day. They could also be used by small groups as a resource for contemplation and discussion. For worship leaders they may be a useful source of themes when planning services, especially as many of the entries commemorate notable dates in Unitarian history. Catherine Robinson is a member of the Oxford Unitarian congregation
Lindsey Press, 2019, ISBN 978-0853190912 , softback £9.
Unitarian? What's That?
By the Rev Cliff Reed
A booklet designed to introduce enquirers to the Unitarian faith by means of a simple question-and-answer formula, based mainly on questions that people have actually asked when encountering Unitarians for the first time. Updated 2018. The text is used for our FAQ page on this website.
Lindsey Press, 2018, ISBN 978-0-85319-089-9, softback, £2.50.
Unitarians: Together in Diversity
By the Rev Sue Woolley
A Survey of the Beliefs, Values, and Practices of Contemporary British Unitarians
Lindsey Press, 2018, ISBN 978-0-85319-090-5, softback, £9.50.
How to Publish Your Work
By Kay Millard
A new edition of a handbook for individuals and congregations aspiring to publish their own work – anything from a chapel history to a recipe book. Many changes have taken place in the world of publishing since the original guide was issued by the Lindsey Press. This revision takes account of new technology, as well as reprinting material that is still useful. Directions to useful websites supplement the text. The book can be download at document library resources.
Lindsey Press, 2017, 16pp, PDF
Living with Integrity: Unitarian Values and Beliefs in Practice
By Kate Whyman (edit)
A range of Unitarians reflect on how their faith and their values influence their daily lives. They write about navigating relationships, ways of engaging with the wider world and response to urgent global issues. The contributors write authentically and honestly from their own life experiences. Each chapter ends with questions to prompt readers to reflect, individually or in a group, on their own experience..
Lindsey Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0-85319-088-2, 102pp, Softback, £8.50
On the Side of Liberty: A Unitarian Historical Miscellany
By Alan Ruston
A selection of articles from Alan’s extensive published output, which presents some of the key individuals who have influenced the development of the Unitarian Movement in Britain over the last 300 years. From the famous to the almost forgotten, they upheld religious or political liberty, sometimes at a great cost to themselves.
Lindsey Press, 2016, ISBN 978-0-85319-087-5, 212pp, Softback, £9.50
Carnival of Lamp: Words for Prayer and Reflection
By Cliff Reed
A collection of prayers, poems, meditations and words for reflection. The title comes from Tagore: “I have brought my light…to join the carnival of lamps”. The book is a resource for congregations, small groups, and for private reading and reflection.
Lindsey Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-85319-086-8, 157pp, Softback, £9.50
Life Spirit: for groups and individuals exploring deep questions
By David Usher
What gives meaning to your life? Is there a God? Is it possible to be spiritual without any concept of God? Are there any moral absolutes? Can you be spiritual all by yourself? ...and other big questions! An opportunity for you to explore the big questions and what you believe and why. It is also about what you do with your answers and how your life can be spiritually enriched. Life Spirit is for use in groups as well as by Individuals.
Lindsey Press, 2015, ISBN 978-0-85319-085-1, 129pp, Softback, £8.00
Creationism: Design Errors and Cross-Purposes
By Graham Richards
Graham Richards places the concepts of Creationism and Intelligent Design in their cultural contexts showing how they have evolved from the 17 century onwards as fundamentalist responses to rational scientific thinking, Biblical criticism, and the evolutionary account of the history of life on earth. He considers the social and psychological factors which have influenced their continuing popularity. He also considers their contemporary value to right-wing, especially American, politics. He shows understanding of the attractions of the concept while demonstrating its fallacies.
Lindsey Press, 2014, ISBN 978-0-85319-084-4, 165pp, Softback, £9.00.
Twelve Steps to Spiritual Health
By Rev David Usher
A uniquely Unitarian guide to achieving spiritual health. Spiritual health gives life meaning and purpose. It is about being open to all life’s possibilities. It is manifest in serenity in the face of hardship, and in being faithful to one's own best convictions. Drawing on both his youthful employment as a jackaroo on sheep stations in Australia, and his thirty years’ experience as a minister in the England and America, David Usher provides simple yet lively illustrations of spirit enhancing activities and perceptions.
Lindsey Press, 2013, ISBN 978-0-85319-083-7, 130pp, Softback, £8.00.
By John Harley and Lyanne Mitchell
A3 doodle sheets to encourage children to use their imagination to explore some Unitarian themes and principles, and learn about the lives of some famous Unitarians. These doodle sheets can be used by families at home or as part of religious education sessions in congregations. There are suggestions on how to use the sheets and further activities to expand the topics; but the central focus is on setting free the creative imagination. This is a new and stimulating resource for children in Unitarian congregations.
Lindsey Press, 2013, A3 folder and eleven sheets, £6.00 plus £4 P&P.
Sing Your Faith
Editors: Andrew M Hill, David Dawson
Two hundred and thirty-one hymns and songs with words and music; none of the words are in current UK Unitarian hymnbooks - it is therefore, in effect, a large supplement to existing books. The book is focused on recent material with many living Unitarian writers and composers represented. The words cover a variety of contemporary as well as traditional themes and musically it explores a wider range of styles than previous hymnbooks. Some 'Words for Worship' are included and detailed indices, including a subject index.
Lindsey Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-85319-077-6, 479pp, hardback, £12.00.
Rev Sue Woolley has produced a Supplementary Subject Index to ‘Sing Your Faith’, using many of the terms from the Thematic Index in ‘Hymns for Living’. The new index is available from her free of charge by e-mail only, but a donation to Send a Child to Hucklow would be welcomed. Click here to contact Sue and here to make a donation.
Hymns For Living
Literary Editor: Sydney H Knight
Music Editor: David Dawson
Three hundred and seventeen hymns blending the old with the new mixing the traditional with more contemporary concerns, and expressed in more modern idioms. The hymns are grouped into sections that reflect the Unitarian spiritual thrust, e.g. The Reflective Spirit, World-Wide Heritage, The Free Spirit, Personal Commitment, Love and Community, A Better World. A topical index points to the specific focus of the hymns and covers all the principal religious and seasonal celebrations. This hymn book – with words and music – reflects and supports the diversity in contemporary Unitarian worship.
Lindsey Press, 1985, ISBN 978-0-85319-075-2, softback, £7.50.
'Till The Peoples All Are One' Darwin's Unitarian Connections
By the Rev Cliff Reed
Charles Darwin was connected to the Unitarian movement by a complex web of kinship and friendship, and by his unwavering commitment to causes such as the abolition of slavery. But to what extent - if any - are Unitarians justified in claiming the author of The origin of Species as 'one of their own'? And what are the implications of Darwin's ideas at a time when fundamentalists are trying to revive the old conflict between religion and science?
Lindsey Press, 2011, £7.50.
With Heart and Mind 2
The Worship Panel responded to the success of the first anthology with a second book, this time with forty-five new authors. Many new themes are explored: grace, journeying, gifts, tradition, serenity, hospitality, questioning, prayer - to name but a few.
The format is the same: about a side of A5 for the mini-essay and a prayer or reflection on the same subject. Again, there is much useful material for worship, discussion and personal reflection.
ISBN 978-0-85319-078-3 £7.00.
Gathering In Prayer
By a Northern Ireland Unitarian, Roger Courtney
Pervading the book are the themes of peace, love, wholeness, and reconciliation. Prayers invite a celebration of the oneness of all creation and the shared humanity of all people.
Lindsey Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-85319-081-3 £8.00.
Sacred Earth
By Rev Cliff Reed
Sacred Earth, a collection of prayers and meditations by the Reverend Cliff Reed, minister of Unitarian Meeting House, Ipswich, newly published by The Lindsey Press, draws inspiration from what he describes as 'the sacred landscape here in holy Suffolk where ancient monuments to faith rise from the tranquil valleys, bustling towns and rolling fields towards the eternal sky'.
Lindsey Press, 2010, ISBN 978-0-85319-079-0 £9.00.
The Unitarian life
Voices from the Past and Present - edited by Stephen Lingwood
A thematic anthology of short texts by a wide range of Unitarians and Unitarian Universalists, presenting essential insights into a faith which is not always easy to define. Voices from the past are presented alongside voices from the present. Famous names appear alongside less well-known ones. This is a book to be used for personal reflection and public worship, and as a starting point for dialogue. The author hopes that it will be 'thumbed through, written on, and meditated with, not simply read once and put on a shelf'.
Lindsey Press, 2008, ISBN 978-0-85319-076-9
220pp, paperback, £9.99
The Larger View
Unitarians and World Religions - by the Rev Dr Vernon Marshall
This book represents the first major survey of inter-faith relations from a Unitarian perspective. It traces the development of Unitarian attitudes towards major world religions over the last 250 years, showing how Unitarian values and ideas have been influenced by close contact with Buddhist, Hindu, Islamic and Judaic traditions, in addition to mainstream Christian thought.
Lindsey Press, 2007, ISBN 978-0-85319-074-5 130pp, paperback, £8.99
Green and Dying
Reflections on growth and change gathered by the Rev Celia Midgley
A collection of prayers and meditations with colour illustrations.
(Unitarian General Assembly Worship Committee, 1999, ISBN 0 95354 120 7, softback, £6.00
Education and Training Publications
There are a number of publications that can be ordered. See the list of Education and Training Publications available.