UNI-NEWS 142nd Issue 6th January 2015

1. New London-based youth club for young Unitarians - URGENT

Where: Brixton Unitarians (Effra Road Chapel), 63 Effra Road, Brixton, London, SW2 IBZ
When: Sunday 11 January 2015
What time: 5-7.30pm
Don’t forget to bring: just yourself
Who for: 14-17 year olds
Join us for games, creativity, discussion and refreshments. We will have a chat about your views about starting up a new youth group. Here are some questions we’ll be looking at:
-do you want a regular youth group?
-if so how often, where and for who?
-what kind of thing do you want to do?

Please pass this onto any young person who may be interested. Thanks.
 Jen Hazel and Rev John Harley

2. Youth Sunday – Sunday 8 February 2015

As in previous years it is hoped that congregations will acknowledge and mark Youth Sunday. The topic this time will be ‘Lean on Me’ and a pack exploring themes of trust and cooperation written by our children and youth leaders was sent out in the  December GA Mailing. You may like to encourage young people to conduct the entire service if that is an option for you or use any of the material in any way you like as part of your normal act of worship. Youth Sunday was established to raise the profile of the Youth Programme and to support congregations in making worship more child and teen friendly and accessible to people of all ages.

Thanks for your support. Any questions to Rev John Harley.

Rev John Harley – GA Youth Coordinator

3. Celebration of the life of Sheila Jones

The family of Sheila Jones invite her Unitarian friends to the Nightingale Centre, Great Hucklow on Saturday 7 February 2015 at 3pm. The service will be led by Rev Liz Birtles and will take place in the Peach Room so that it can be seated in the ‘round’. A light tea will be served afterwards. Please join the family in this important celebration of Sheila’s life and work.

If you would like to book any further meals or overnight stays at Hucklow, please contact Stella on 01298 871218.

Cathie Masztalerz

4. Building Management: ‘Managing Major Buildings Projects in Places of Worship’: HRBA training event

On 26 February 2015 the HRBA is organising a training day on “Managing Major Building Projects in Places of Worship”, sponsored by PurcellUK. The HRBA Newsletter describes it as

“an opportunity for anyone thinking about or starting to plan a major building project for their place of worship. The day deals with the management of all stages of a building project in a place of worship, from start up through to making sure benefits are achieved over the long term. Presentations will include 'developing your vision', 'engaging with the wider community', 'fund-raising', 'working with your architect and managing works once on site'. There will also be a session from the Heritage Lottery Fund as well as lunchtime surgeries where individual cases can be discussed. Anyone involved in such an undertaking, of whatever size, will find it invaluable.”

The London training day will take place at Hope Church, St David’s, Westbourne Road: the cost is £50.

A flyer and a booking form can be downloaded from the Historic Religious Buildings Alliance website.  You can also book directly online from the PurcellUk website.
A fifth training day is being organised to take place in Sheffield in the last week in June 2015: date to be confirmed.
[Source: HRBA Newsletter – 2 January 2015]

5. Building Management: Statements of Significance: how to produce one

A collaboration between English Heritage and the University of York has resulted in the establishment of a website on Statements of Significance intended to help congregations to produce them. The website breaks down the process step by step and provides an on-line tool with which to enter the relevant information.

A Statement of Significance is a detailed description of the development of a building and its life. It is factual, making an objective and informed assessment of the relative merits or ‘significance’ of aspects or features. These can be physical features, or aspects of social or historical significance, such as famous people associated with the building, memorials or events that happened nearby. A Statement will help congregations understand and care for their buildings and make informed decisions about any proposed changes.  It is also a ‘live’ document that should be kept up-to-date, reflecting not only recent changes or additions but also new discoveries about the building's past.

In particular, a Statement of Significance must accompany any application for consent that proposes significant changes to a listed place of worship through the Listed Building Consent process operated by local authorities. English Heritage suggests, however, that it is a useful aid for decision-making in relations to buildings for all denominations and faiths.
[Source: HRBA Newsletter – 2 January 2015]

6. Let’s talk about what makes a Good Society – and help make it real

Church Action on Poverty believes in the unique value of every human being, created in the image of God. We know that if we work together, we can Close the Gap between rich and poor in the UK, and build a society which will be happier, healthier, safer and fairer.

We know that people in all the UK’s churches have that same vision. On Church Action on Poverty Sunday, we invite you to help us share it more widely.

  • Use our free resources to plan a worship service built around visions of the Good Society. You’ll be praying and worshipping together with other churches across the UK.
  • Hold a collection or soup lunch to raise funds for our work.
  • As an individual, you can also raise money and awareness by taking part in a sponsored fast during Holy Week.
  • Join us on 15 February, and share your vision of a Good Society.Find out more at Church Action on Poverty website.

Church Action on Poverty