UNI-NEWS 143rd Issue 20th January 2015

1. Executive Committee Election Declaration by Popularis


I confirm I have received nominations for the following candidates:






Signed by






Upper Chapel Sheffield

Diane Day

Chair of Congregational Committee





Cardiff Unitarians

Sarah Boyce

Church Treasurer

GA Constitution paragraph 7.e. states:
If the number of candidates remaining validly nominated for an election is less than the number of members to be elected to the Executive Committee, then -
i.    the candidates validly nominated shall be declared elected unopposed, and
ii.    the Executive Committee shall fill any vacancy by appointment within six months from the date the declaration of valid nominations were received. Any such appointed person shall serve until the next Executive Committee election.

All nominations have been accepted.  In accordance with the Constitution, the number of candidates (2) does not exceed the number of vacancies (4) and an election is therefore not required.  Both candidates are declared elected unopposed.

Certified by:
Anne Hock
Independent Election Supervisor
20th January 2015

[Note from Chief Officer: the elected Candidates above take up their posts at the close of the Annual Meetings on 01 April 2015].

2. Youth Leaders Conference - Urgent

Calling all youth leaders and those interested in becoming new youth leaders for the Youth Programme.

The Third Youth Leaders’ Conference will be taking place from 30 January – 1 February 2015. The conference is at The Nightingale Centre and will consist of a number of workshops including safeguarding, special educational needs, looking at youth programme issues and challenges, sharing good practice, looking into the future and time to network and get to know one another more.

Due to a generous grant from the Wood Green Trust the weekend will only cost participants £20. Participants will also have travel costs reimbursed. You can register for this event on our event page. Please book in as soon as you can to guarantee a place and send a cheque (made out to “GA of Unitarian & FCC”) to Unitarian Headquarters, Essex Hall, 1 Essex St, LONDON, WC2R 3HY.

We only have 25 places available and there are around 20 existing youth leaders. Extended deadline for bookings:  Monday 26 January.

Potential new youth leaders will need to compete a simple booking form so that we can confirm that the conference would be useful for them.

For further information, please contact John Harley, GA Youth Coordinator.

Rev John Harley
GA Youth Coordinator
3. Worship Studies Course Foundation Step

The Local Leadership Strategy Group and North West Provincial Assembly will run a Worship Studies Course Foundation Step for lay worship leaders and preachers led by experienced Ministers and lay leaders. It will take place on four Saturdays during the Summer months:
   30 May 2015   
   13 June 2015
   27 June 2015   
   11 July 2015

Timing: 10.00am to 4.00 pm. Bring your own lunch, drinks will be provided.

All sessions will take place at Cross Street Chapel (Unitarian), Cross Street, Manchester, M2 1NL


Registration: £15.00  (Payable in advance, includes national and local registration)
Each session £10.00 (£55.00 in all; can be paid in full or £10.00 at each session)
Cheques payable to “GA of Unitarian & FCC”

For further information, please contact Dawn Buckle  (Administrator): Email: dawnbuckle@ymail.com  Tel: 01457 763 721

Dawn Buckle