
Unitarians newsletter categories.

UNI-NEWS 163rd Issue 21st March 2016

1. GA Office Closure

Please note that the GA Office at Essex Hall will be closed from 5.00pm on Thursday 24 March until 10.00am on Tuesday 5 April 2016 for the Easter Break followed by the Annual Meetings. Messages will not be retrieved from the voicemail service on the GA telephone number until our return. For messages that are of an urgent nature please ring or preferably send a text message to the mobile number 0750 763 1285.  Please note this is an emergency number only and will only be checked periodically.

UNI-NEWS 160th Issue 22nd December 2015

1. President's Christmas Message 2015

Very warm Christmas greetings to all congregations, districts, societies, and individual members of our General Assembly of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches.  Many of our churches light candles to mark the Advent period and some others refer to Advent when lighting their chalice candles: the symbolism of light in the dark underlying most of our chalice symbolism being combined with the anticipation of Advent.

As I said at my chalice lighting at the Annual Meetings:

UNI-NEWS 159th Issue 24th November 2015

1. Executive Committee Key Messages 13 November 2015

 1. President of the General Assembly 2016-17

The Executive Committee is pleased to announce that Dorothy (Dot) Hewerdine will be nominated for the position of President of the General Assembly 2016/17 at the Annual Meetings in April 2016. Dot was nominated by the Scottish Unitarian Association, Sheffield and District Association of Unitarian and Free Christian Churches and Cardiff Unitarians/Undodiaid Caerdydd.

UNI-NEWS 158th Issue 3rd November 2015

1. Unitarian Clara Barton Red Cross Appeal 

 As of 28 October 2015 the following amounts have been raised for the British Red Cross Europe Refugee Crisis Appeal. 

 Offline donations: £2484.61

 Online donations: £322.50

 Total to date: £2807.11

Since the Clara Barton Fund was launched the total raised to date: £65,469.75

 “Many thanks as always for all of your support, the response has been wonderful and makes a huge difference.”


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