
Unitarians newsletter categories.

UNI-NEWS 146th Issue 19th February 2015

1. Executive Committee Key Messages – February 2015

1. Safeguarding Audit
The Chief Officer reported that only about a quarter of congregations had responded to the Safeguarding Audit with a couple of days remaining before the deadline. This was disappointing although hopefully more returns would be received. It was agreed that the information be collated by district and that the EC district links would raise locally.  An overview of the results would be available for the Annual Meetings and be considered at the next EC meeting in May 2015.

UNI-NEWS 141st Issue 30th December 2014

1.   Happy New Year

We would like to wish you all the best for the New Year from the General Assembly Staff and Executive Committee.


2.   Death of Sheila Jones

It is with great sadness and sorrow that we are announcing the death of Sheila Jones; mum to Ruth, Cathie and Daniel, granny to Vicky, Sophie, Natasha, Bethany, Nathaniel and Jacob, great-granny to Bayley and Scarlett.

After a difficult illness, Sheila died in the early hours of 28th December.

UNI-NEWS 140th Issue 19th December 2014

Annual Meeting 2015


There is an unfortunate error in the formal Notice of the Annual Meeting of the General Assembly (AGM2/15).

The venue is, of course, the Birmingham Hilton Metropole not Whittlebury Hall as was stated in all of the other documentation and on the GA website.

Apologies and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to everyone.


Derek McAuley, Chief Officer 

UNI-NEWS 139th Issue 17th December 2014

1. Christmas Message 2014

In the British Isles Christmas comes at the darkest time of the year when the hours of daylight are at their lowest.

This darkness encourages us to make our surroundings brighter. We decorate our homes, offices and churches with many coloured shiny baubles and glitter. Bright lights are resplendent wherever we go. Life seems full of expectation, enjoyment and happiness.

Christmas time is a time of joy, but it can be for some a time of sorrow. A reminder of those we have lost who will not be with us around the Christmas dinner table.


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